Professional Competencies and Professional Behaviors

The advantage of using competencies is that they are measurable skills, attitudes, or attributes that can be closely aligned to the professional’s strategy for  success. The complete competency framework helps us to: define what is required for success, align talent processes with a common language, ​serve as a long-term strategic planning tool, provide a solid foundation to the work at hand.

Our professional competencies are closely tied to the original AISAP Standards and Competencies documents. This is a fluid document and will be modified over time as the demands of the profession change.


The requirement and expectations of a job are defined based on the specific behaviors one would want to see as that job is executed. AISAP created performance behaviors in its 2012 work entitled Standards and Competencies of Admission & Enrollment Management professionals. In 2018, the performance behaviors were upgraded and simplified to support the Learning and Development framework.